low self steem

Stop Worrying About What Other People Think

stop worrying what people think.png with Kimberley stapleton mind body soul spirit

Can Comparing Yourself To Others Be Good For You?

The answer to this is a resounding “Yes” if you do this in the right way. What most people tend to do is compare themselves to others as some form of validation for themselves or because of envy or some other negative emotion.

The secret to comparing yourself to others for your benefit is to do it on the premise that you want to improve yourself. You want to achieve a specific goal and another person has already achieved this goal so you can learn from them and then use similar strategies in your own life.

You must have the right Intent

Having the right intent for comparing yourself to another person is critical. What we do not recommend you do is compare yourself to someone else that you know is not as good as you in a specific area so that you can give your ego a boost. Avoid this kind of “self validation”.

You may get a temporary ego boost from a self validation comparison but this can backfire on you very badly. If you don’t know the person that you are comparing to very well then you have no idea what they are capable of. If you challenge them and they end up being better than you at your specialty then this can destroy your self esteem.

Think about why you want to make the comparison. Let’s say that you want to be a successful business manager and there is a manager in your office who always seems to make the right decisions and has the level of confidence that you want to achieve.

You want to find out how they got to their position and how they maintain their confidence. This is specific intent and you are in the right frame of mind to make the comparison. You are not jealous that this person is a manager and you are not. It is all about learning from the person so that you can improve your life.

Consume other relevant information

The person in your office is not the only good business manager out there. Many have written books and some have their own blog. These days it is easier than it ever has been before to get the information that you need.

Once you have decided that you want to be a top notch business manager consume everything that you can about the subject and keep looking for new material. Modeling the business manager you know is a good step forward but you can always do more.

If you are not a fan of reading then go to YouTube and find relevant videos there. You will be sure to find what you are looking for. Also look for forums on your subject and join them and participate. Ask questions and most people will be happy to help.

Be careful of your Self View

You have a view about yourself that you formed over many years. This self view tells you that you things like you are smart, good looking, talented and so on. We all need this self view because it defines how you see the world around you and helps you to figure everything out.

The problem is that if you believe something in your self view and something challenges this then there is conflict. So if you believe that you know a lot about business and someone tells you that you need to learn more about business then this is difficult to take. Relax your self view and take on board any constructive criticisms.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

Overcome Low Self Esteem in Relationships

low self esteem.png with kimberley stapleton mind body soul spirit

Improve Low Self Esteem in Relationships

Overcome poor self esteem in relationships with a gentle, permissive Hypnotherapy session.

A healthy and happy relationship should be good for your self-esteem.

But it may be that your self-esteem wasn't great to begin with and although your partner makes efforts to compliment you and build you up somehow you just don't believe them!

Maybe you really love your partner but feel they are just too good for you and that you are 'lucky to have them'?

Perhaps you feel it's just a matter of time before they reject you in favour of some one 'better!'

And perhaps your low self esteem in your relationship is even spoiling the relationship itself . Low self-esteem can manifest as you looking for signs that your partner has lost interest in you or prefers someone else or is only seeing you because they pity you.

The effect of low self esteem and defensiveness in relationships

Sometimes low self esteem in relationships makes you defensive and feeling like you are being criticised when you are not! Low self-esteem can present as over-sensitivity.

Some people with very low self-esteem describe themselves as 'unlovable' and even say things like: 'He/She is only with me for sex / money / out of pity / duty / until they meet someone better!'

It could be the case that you were badly treated and psychologically abused by a previous partner who put you down, never said anything nice about you and made you feel worthless.

It's easy to suffer lowered self-esteem when we've been in a relationship like this.

But if we take these 'old feelings' into a new relationship then they can really get in the way of a satisfying relationship.

This is like a bird that has been caged for many years finally having the cage door released but, out of habit, not yet realising that it can now actually fly free!

Imagine what it will be like to truly value yourself and be able to feel the reality of your partners love and respect for you because you feel that it is right and reasonable for them to feel positively towards you.

How hypnotherapy can help improve low self esteem in relationships

Old patterns of feelings and thoughts are hard to change because they have been engrained into your unconscious mind. They have become the way you interpret the world.

To deal with patterns at this unconscious level, we need a tool that works at this level. Which is where hypnotherapy comes in.

Hypnosis is a gentle, comfortable way to update old, unhelpful associations so you can see things afresh - you can respond to your partner naturally without that old baggage dragging you back.

Book a hypnotherapy session now with me Kimberley and start to feel good about yourself and your relationship. 


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

How to Accept Yourself For Who You Really Are


Self acceptance becomes easier when you're honest with yourself. Here's how Hypnotherapy can help.

'Self acceptance' may sound like giving up and stopping efforts to improve yourself. But it is not that at all.

Self acceptance - seeing yourself as you really are (and that's a much nicer experience than it might sound!), is the essential beginning to becoming who you want to be.

Real self acceptance gives you a solid foundation upon which to build yourself into who you want to become. Without that foundation, you may be building a house of cards.

And self acceptance is not just about appreciating your good points - it is more about being honest about your less commendable traits - without feeling guilty or inadequate because of them.

Stop pretending to be something you're not

This is self acceptance and when you truly accept yourself for who you are, without feeling you have to pretend all the time, then paradoxically, your self confidence takes a massive leap.

Self acceptance doesn't mean not striving to improve and change but it does mean making allowances for yourself sometimes, knowing your natural weaker points and accepting them whilst remembering your strong points.

Once you truly accept yourself, you will waste no energy or time on self deception or deceiving others and you will develop clarity as to just what needs improving.

How hypnotherapy can help you accept yourself

We tend to avoid being honest with ourselves because we're scared of what we'll find. That perhaps we won't live up to our long-held cherished ideas about ourselves. Or to what we think are other people's ideas of us.

These feelings are created by the unconcious mind, and so that's where we need to start work. And that's where hypnotherapy comes in.

Hypnotherapy is the art of communicating with the unconscious mind and the and will gently allow you to see yourself as you are and be fully accepting of yourself.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley on TVM - FitAM

Kimberley on TVM - FitAM

How to Build Your Self Esteem With Hypnotherapy


Break the negative trance of low self esteem with a gentle, permissive Hypnotherapy session.

The effects of low self esteem are all around us.

Broken or dysfunctional relationships, academic underachievement, feelings of loneliness and isolation, and behaviour that damages health and life prospects all have roots in low self esteem.

Why high self esteem isn't the answer

It might seem that high self esteem would be a great thing, but high self esteem can bring its own problems.

A little bit of doubt or caution before you go feet first into something forces you to consider more carefully how your actions might affect, for good or bad, the outcome.

So, how much self esteem is right for you?

The effects of low self esteem

Your opinion of yourself, what you think of your own 'worth', really does make a difference to your life. If you mistakenly value yourself too low, you may:

  • blame yourself for things that aren't your fault

  • underestimate your own abilities

  • expect things to go wrong for you

Low self esteem may stop you from socialising and keeping friendships alive, cutting yourself off from the world. Low self esteem may cause you to drink excessively or look for other 'highs' to give your life some excitement.

Or maybe it simply stops you from doing what you want to do, as you've run out of energy or belief that you're worth it and it's worth pursuing.

Why does looking after your self esteem matter?

When you have a more balanced view of yourself, you can;

  • be much fairer to yourself

  • be more objective about your strong points

  • have more confidence in your abilities

  • feel calmer when you think about yourself and your future

  • think more positively about life generally

So, rather than going flat out for high self esteem, the best way forward is to work on building it to a healthy level that will help you get more out of life and feel more comfortable with yourself. Maybe your self esteem right now hovers around a low 1 or 2 out of 10, but you'd settle for feeling more like a 7 or 8 out of 10.

With higher self esteem, you will start to socialise more and believe you've got something to say that's worth hearing. You will stop abusing your body and look after you physical health better. You will say yes more at work, or school and start to progress towards what you want out of life.

How Hypnotherapy can improve self esteem

The trouble with low self esteem is that it generally stems from emotions that are created at an unconscious level. Which is why conscious efforts to think better of yourself rarely work.

And this is where Hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is the art of communicating with the unconscious mind, and so we can use it to update the old patterns that are driving low self esteem. It will:

  • relax you incredibly deeply

  • remind you of your good qualities (that sometimes may be difficult to appreciate)

  • improve your self confidence

  • give you the inner strength to come through difficult times

  • help you feel better about yourself

  • improve your social and working relationships

Please contact Me if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION. 

Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions.
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here

To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.