chakra de armouring

What is the soul star chakras place in energy healing ?

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Soul Star Chakra is located approximately 6 inches higher than the crown chakra. It is usually white and gold in color. Despite being outside of the body and above it, this chakra is often referred to as the “seat of the soul”.

This is because it can connect the soul to enlightenment by sending it divine light and love and spiritual awareness. It is the catalyst to heightening one’s relationship with the Universe.

Once this chakra is awakened from its dormant state, the soul ascends beyond the human ego, which allows people to experience a more enlightened, spiritual, joyful and healthy physical existence.

Within the seven-chakra system, the soul star chakra is also important.

The vital cosmic energy that is collected through the Stellar Gateway, located approximately 12 inches above the Soul Star chakra also makes this energy usable for stimulating and opening these main chakras.

Without it, these seven chakras would be unbalanced, leaving a person in a state of suffering. Some indicators of an individual with an unbalanced soul star chakra might be confusion, aloofness, feeling spaced out, headaches, migraines, paranoia, mental fatigue or depression.

Some indicators of an individual with a balanced soul star chakra can include feeling connected to a higher self, seeing the bigger picture in life, having peace of mind and feeling overall contentment.

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