Akashic records

Akashic Records Tarot Reading 1 card ~ 1 of Roses ~ Commitment Reversed

Some kind of separation or break in a contract may be at hand. It could be a total severing of ties, like a divorce or job loss, or it could be less intense, such as a temporary separation
or layoff. This card could also indicate an investment that fails or a home purchase or sale that falls through. Whatever shape it takes, there is an emotional component that underlies the experience.

It will be important to vent your feelings and deal with the sense of loss, but try not to think too catastrophically. The loss or separation may seem difficult now, but you do have the power to deal with it and get back on your feet again.

Sometimes this energy indicates a physical separation. You may have to travel or relocate for business or personal reasons. In this or any other kind of physical or emotional distance,
make sure you retain some balance in your life. Also consider this: Have you forgotten your own priority of self? Do you put yourself last and dismiss your own needs? If so, it’s time to start committing to yourself. Try not to lose sight of the greatest partnership of all - your connection to the eternal, powerful, and valuable self that is your soul. Your Spirit is longing for you to commit!

Akashic Force

Close your eyes and with a deep breath bring in the word Commitment. Feel its energy fill you with dedication and purpose. You are ready to make a priority of every commitment -
large and small - in your life, especially to yourself.

Love & Light


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